PIPSA tool page HITS gGmbH Home


Protein Interaction Property Similarity Analysis

PIPSA analysis with input of protein structures in PDB or PQR format.

Enter the file names of the coordinates of the proteins to be analyzed. The pdb files can be selected either from your local disk (left panel) or by entering pdb identifiers (e.g. 1hti 1dkw 1b9b 1ci1 1i45 1tim, right panel). The selected pdb files/entries will be shown in a list and can be removed if necessary.
Please note that a compound of PQR and PDB files is not allowed for the UHBD method. In this case you should run an analysis for PDB and PQR files separatly.
Download the flowchart for further information about the algorithm.

Input protein structures

Select local PDB/PQR files* Specify PDB IDs from the RCSB.
Due to changes in the download
of PDB entries from RCSB,
only upload of files is supported
to start a PIPSA analysis.

Select multiple files with <SHIFT> or <CTRL>

*Files names will be cut
after 23 characters
Select multiple files with <SHIFT> or <CTRL>
Please upload at least two, better more PDB/PQR files before proceeding!